Edge Early Learning
Where your children discover themselves.
To ensure Edge Early Learning could stand out in the fast-growing and highly competitive childcare industry, they needed a full brand refresh. Starting with deep-dive research into their audiences — parents of young children, parents-to-be and the children themselves — we developed a strategy that would “inspire powerful relationships between these groups and the staff and educators of Edge”.
The brand expression that was distilled from this process is now ubiquitous: “Where your children discover themselves.”
The creative thinking was rolled out through outdoor, bus-backs, online, social and TVCs, which will roll over nationally for a third year.
Brand Strategy, Brand Positioning, Market Research, Web copy, Television & Video, Multimedia Campaign
The First Day is always the hardest… for Mum & Dad!
Adults can stay & play at Edge.
Mindfulness makes for calmer, happier kids.